Bruce Wayne appears to be killed in a car race, only to have survived. It is the tenth anniversary of the last sighting of Batman - and according to a poll, most teenagers consider him to be a myth. James Gordon is still the Commissioner of Police, although a new gang, the Mutants, have issued a death threat against him.
A moustached Bruce and Jim meet for a drink, celebrating that Batman had the chance to retire. Obviously Jim now knows that Bruce was Batman. Bruce is touchy about his separation from Dick, and about the death of Jason. He walks home, only to be stopped by muggers - and is promptly left alone when they realize that he will put up a fight.
Dr. Wolper, a psychiatrist, has assisted in the reform of Harvey Dent, both physical and mental. Dent is committing himself to serving the public, and Gordon feels that he can never be reformed. The next day, Dent disappears. He has scarred himself back to Two-Face, and is planning some criminal act.
Bruce Wayne is up late at night, down in the Batcave, with everything draped in shrouds. He feels the core of Batman pulling him, urging him to return. But Bruce claims, "I will not let him. I gave my word. For Jason. Never. Never again. Alfred notices that Bruce has shaved the moustache off. Bruce never even noticed that he did it. Bruce is melancoly, drinking (yes, drinking), sitting in a room, ignoring Alfred. He relives the the death of his parents, the night they went to see The Mark of Zorro. As he phases out, reliving that terrible moment, he returns to normal just as the news is announcing the kidnapping of two children. Bruce stumbles to his study, and listens to his answering machine. Clark has called to say that he'd be out of town. Selina is lonely. Harvey thanking him for his support. And then, a bat crashes through the window...
A mugging is stopped by an unknown saviour. A pimp slicing up his prostitute is stopped by a gloved hand. Two girls, nearly mugged by members of the Mutants, are stopped before they can do any harm. The news reports it as "A large, bat-like creature has been sighted on Gotham's South side. It is said to habe attacked and seriously injured three cat-burglars who have plagued that neighbourhood. You don't suppose..." Heavily wounded criminals are being found all over the place, and speculation on the return of Batman increases.
The police are chasing a car, when another quickly passes them, stunning the police officers. Batman flies out of the sky, falling after the car. Batman claims:
This should be agony. I should be a mass of aching muscle, unable to move. And, were I an older man, I surely would... ... but I'm a man of thirty -- of twentry again. The rain on my chest is a baptism -- I'm born again... I smell their fear -- and it is sweet.
The Dark Knight has returned...
The Joker, in Arkham, has just stopped being comatose - once he hears the news. So there is a reason to keep on living after all...
The news shows start having panels on whether Batman's return is good or bad. Batman appears to be more vicious than ever, crippling criminals. Gordon refuses to issue an arrest order. The Mutants' leader issues a statement, warning that he will kill Gordon and Batman now. He claims that Gotham City belongs to the Mutants now. If he wanted Batman's attention, this will certainly get it...
Gordon and Batman meet on the rooftop. It seems taht Gordon is soon to retire, and that his replacement is not a Batman fan. Dr. Wolper feels that Batman makes the psychos that he fights. And Two-Face is about to attack the TV station. Batman stops him, and takes Harvey.
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